You just got off the phone with Aunt Harriet, and you’re in a panic because she’s coming to stay with you for a few days and didn’t give you a lot of notice. You may be content with the level of cleaning you normally fit into your hectic schedule as far as your family goes, but this is that persnickety aunt that you know is going to raise her eyebrows if she finds even a speck of dust. Rather than take a day off work or burn a midnight candle wearing yourself out, so you end up sleeping through her visit, make it easy on yourself and call for professional cleaning services.
Cleaning services on a regular basis are also a great way to be ready for unexpected visitors, especially if that happens often. It will free you up to handle other things, like planning activities and stocking the fridge and pantry.
Calling a cleaning services company is also a great option when an extended visit is planned. They can take care of the cleaning while you spend time with your guests. It will also eliminate that awkwardness when they wonder if they should pitch in and help you or not. If you have guests that annoy you because they never help and are rather sloppy, you can concentrate on what you love about them instead.
Here at Fiv5 Star Cleaning, in Charlotte, North Carolina, we offer cleaning services as well as many other services that can make a visit from Aunt Harriet a lot more fun. We can clean your home before, during, or after her visit, as well as handle such things as your laundry, walking your dog, or even babysitting, so you can concentrate on your guests. Don’t hesitate to ask us for help with anything as we’ll do our best to make your life easier, even if you aren’t expecting company!